Indian Prime Minister-Elect Thanks President Nasheed

Indian Prime Minister-elect, Narendra Modi, has thanked President Nasheed for congratulating him on his historic victory in the Indian elections.

In an exchange of tweets late Friday evening, President Nasheed said he “looked forward to working” with Prime Minister Modi “for a strong South Asia.”

In reply, Prime Minister-elect Modi said: “Thank you. We value our relations with Maldives and will work towards strengthening our ties further.”

President Nasheed also wrote a letter to Prime Minister-elect Modi on Saturday, congratulating him once again on his victory and expressing his hope that relations between India and the Maldives will strengthen during Prime Minister Modi’s premiership.

President Nasheed stressed his firm belief that India should play a preeminent role in the Indian Ocean region.

President Nasheed also noted that the Maldivian Democracy Party has called for the reinstatement of GMR’s contract to manage and upgrade Ibrahim Nasir International Airport.


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