Strongly Condemn Stabbing of President Nasheed’s Legal Team Member Mahfooz Saeed

The Office of President Mohamed Nasheed strongly condemns the violent stabbing of President Nasheed’s legal team member Mahfooz Saeed at approximately 5 pm today near Maaveyo Magu, busy street in Male’.

According to eyewitness accounts he was on the back seat of a motorcycle when two unmasked individuals attacked him with a knife, stabbing him in the left side of his head.

Mahfooz is currently undergoing surgery at Indhira Gandi Memorial Hospital, the main hospital in Male’.

Mahfooz, 26 years old is a recently licensed lawyer and an active member of the Maldivian Democratic Party. Mahfooz is also a blogger who frequently writes and speaks critically on judicial reform, escalating crimes and deteriorating political situation.

Today’s attack on President Nasheed’s lawyer Mahfooz comes days before President Nasheed’s international lawyers, Amal Clooney and Jared Genser are due to arrive in Male’.

Mahfooz has been stabbed at a time of renewed political tension following President Nasheed’s illegal transfer to jail on 23 August. The office of President Nasheed highlights ongoing discussions by the High Court to start the hearings next week on the appeal submitted by the Prosecutor General regarding President Nasheed’s criminal court conviction.

The MDP has also called for a nationwide protest on September 11, the first of its kind since the initiation of official talks with the Government.

Just an hour after stabbing of Mahfooz, opposition politicians have received death threats saying they would be ‘eliminated like Mahfooz.’

The Office of President Nasheed calls upon the authorities to immediately investigate this case.

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