President Mohamed Nasheed to Speak on the Challenges and Opportunities of Small Islands States at the Wilton Park Conference

President Mohamed Nasheed will be speaking at the Wilton Park Conference on the challenges and opportunities faced by microstates and small islands on 7th November.

Prominent speakers including Sir Richard Branson will be addressing the conference bringing together experts, innovative thinkers and policy makers from the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Islands.The Conference will be held from 7-9 November in the British Virgin Islands

Wilton Park Conference is organised in association with Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science of the UK Foreign Office and the UN Office of High Representative for LDCs, LLDCs, and SIDS.

The Wilton Park conference aims to examine the challenges faced by small island states that affect economic development and resilience. The conference will explore opportunities available to such states due to technological advancement, new investments and economic diversification. Furthermore the conference will map out pathways for policymaking, investment and sustainable growth in potentially fragile conditions.


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