President Nasheed Expresses Concerns over Commonwealth-led CoNI Process

President Mohamed Nasheed has expressed concerns over the Commonwealth-led CoNI process’ to help restore democratic principles in the Maldives.

A Commonwealth-backed report, the Commission of National Enquiry (CoNI) reported last year that the transfer of power on 7 February was legitimate and lawful.

However, a recent parliamentary inquiry has heard testimony from key military and police commanders including former heads of police and military intelligence Brigadier General Ahmed Nilam & Superintendent Mohamed Hameed, former Chief of Defence Force Major General Moosa Jaleel, former Police Commissioner Ahmed Faseeh who have stated that the transfer of power amounted to a coup d’etat and stated that crucial parts of their witness statements were omitted from the CoNI report.

“The CoNI report was a whitewash. It willfully excluded testimony of police and army leaders – the very people best placed to ascertain whether the transfer of power was legal or not”, President Nasheed said.

President Nasheed also points out the current regime has taken no action to address police brutality. Many police and military officers singled out for committing human rights abuses since 7 February have been rewarded with promotion. Furthermore no action has been taken to address the issues in the judiciary.

Mariya Didi MP, President Nasheed’s spokesperson, added: “The CoNI report was to empower and embolden an illegitimate regime, which is now pressing charges against President Nasheed in the hope of disqualifying his candidature in the upcoming presidential elections. Uncertainties created by these politically motivated charges have skewed election landscape and allowed campaign momentum for marginal political groups led by former international civil servants, feudal entrepreneurs and religious extremists that clearly do not have electoral support”

“Having stolen one presidency, the regime intends to rig the vote for another. This situation has grave consequences for the future of our democracy,” Mariya added.


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