President Mohamed Nasheed completed his two day tour of Noonu atoll yesterday. During this two day tour he visited Noonu Kedhikulhudhoo and Velidhoo.
The tour was initiated by the launching of the Mariculture Policy at N.Kendhikulhudhoo on the 21st of April . During the nationwide launching of the policy, carried out in 21 islands by members of the MDP parliamentary and leadership group, President Nasheed stated that 60 mariculture related programs carried out in the next 5 years would potentially bring in USD 1 million into the country by exports and pave way for over 1800 new job opportunities. President Nasheed also stated that during the next five years, 200 million Ruffiya worth of loans would be allocated to promoting mariculture in the Maldives and aims to train 500 Maldivians in the field of mariculture. He also highlighted the importance of marine research in the need to overcome any potential environmental damage and the usage of sustainable mariculture techniques. In his speech, President Nasheed also said MDP policy aims to develop two hatcheries in the north and south of Maldives alongside a quarantine facility.
In his visit to the atoll he also carried out door to door visits under the “Dheythin fahethi” campaign and carried out workshops regarding mariculture. At Velidhoo, President Nasheed took part in the opening of two guest houses in the island.