Moving From Condemnation to Action – The Case for Targeted Sanctions Against Human Rights Abusers in the Maldives

From Condemnation to Action – the Case for Targeted Sanctions Against Human Rights Abusers in the Maldives

Statement from President Nasheed Calling for Assistance from International Partners

6 February 2018, MALE: “President Yameen has illegally declared martial law and overrun the state. We must remove him from power. The people of the Maldives have a legitimate request to world governments, especially to India and the United States. “We would like the Indian government to send an envoy, backed by its military, to… Read more

Statement from President Nasheed Regarding Effective Imposition of Martial Law

5 February 2018, COLOMBO: “President Yameen’s announcement today — which declares a State of Emergency, the banning of fundamental freedoms, and the suspension of the Supreme Court — is tantamount to a declaration of martial law in the Maldives. This declaration is unconstitutional and illegal. Nobody in the Maldives is required to, nor should, follow… Read more

Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed Responds to Government’s Reply to UN Human Right’s Committee, Urging it Find that his Disqualification to Run for President was in Violation of International Law

The Committee is Expected to Consider Case During Its March/April 2018 Session January 22, 2018, Geneva — Counsel for former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed has filed a 40-page brief responding to the Government of the Maldives’ reply to the UN Human Rights Committee in his case, seeking to restore his political rights that were illegally… Read more

President Mohamed Nasheed Condemns Police Raid on Gasim’s Resorts

20 January 2018, Male’: Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed condemned today police raids on tourist resorts owned by opposition leader Gasim Ibrahim, who is currently living in exile in Germany. Police, customs and tax officials raided Royal Island and Spa Management, Paradise Island Resort, Sun Island Resort, Fun Island Resort and Holiday Island Resort all… Read more

Maldivian Ambassador-Designate to Sri Lanka Threatens to Detain and Deport President Nasheed

Washington DC: International legal counsel representing former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed are very concerned about a threat made by the Maldivian ambassador-designate to Colombo to detain their client in Sri Lanka and forcibly return him to the Maldives. The ambassador-designate, Mohamed Hussain Shareef, popularly known as ‘Mundhu’, made the threat during a news show aired on… Read more

Alarm Over Actions of Chief of Defence Forces Major General Shiyam

24 July 2017, MALE: Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed has expressed alarm over the actions of the Chief of Defence Forces, Major General Shiyam, whose soldiers, dressed in full riot gear with batons, barricaded and then stormed the parliament today, detaining a number of MPs, some of whom were injured. Noting that the Defence Chief… Read more

Government “Masterminded” President Nasheed’s 13-Year Jail Term: Former Vice President Adeeb

16 July 2017, Male: Former Maldives Vice President Ahmed Adeeb has stated that former President Mohamed Nasheed’s 13-year jail term, handed down ostensibly for ‘terrorism’ in 2015, was “masterminded under direct Government scheming and influence.” In a remarkable letter to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, sent by Adeeb on Sunday 16 July from… Read more

President Mohamed Nasheed Calls for International Investigation into Corruption and Money Laundering in the Maldives

13 July 2017, MALE: Former President Mohamed Nasheed has called for a thorough international investigation into allegations of corruption, money laundering, bribery and other crimes carried out by President Abdulla Yameen and his officials. The call follows damning new testimony, given by former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb from his jail cell, which was made public… Read more

Legal Team Expresses Concern Over New Politically-Motivated Charges Against Former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed by Government of the Maldives

Malé and Washington – Former President Mohamed Nasheed’s legal team condemns the Prosecutor General of the Maldives’ announcement yesterday that new charges have been filed against President Nasheed. These politically-motivated charges are the most recent development in the Government’s targeted persecution of President Nasheed, and are a blatant attempt to silence the political opposition. The… Read more

President Nasheed Calls for Robust Engagement from the International Community to Restore Democracy in the Maldives

Maldives first democratically elected President and the leader of the opposition, Mohamed Nasheed, expresses deep concerns over lack of concerted and meaningful effort by the international community to prevent serious political conflict in the Maldives following a complete reversal to authoritarianism under President Abdulla Yameen. Following the 2013 presidential elections, that was repeatedly delayed, cancelled… Read more

President Mohamed Nasheed to Speak on the Challenges and Opportunities of Small Islands States at the Wilton Park Conference

President Mohamed Nasheed will be speaking at the Wilton Park Conference on the challenges and opportunities faced by microstates and small islands on 7th November. Prominent speakers including Sir Richard Branson will be addressing the conference bringing together experts, innovative thinkers and policy makers from the Caribbean, Indian Ocean and Pacific Islands.The Conference will be… Read more