One Year Since Yameen Rasheed’s murder: Call for an Open Trial
Today marks 1 year since 29 year old Maldivian blogger, Yameen Rasheed was brutally murdered in the stairwell of his home in Male’ in the middle of the night. Stabbed 34 times, his throat slit and his skull crushed, Yameen was pronounced dead at 4am shortly after he was taken to hospital. Yameen Rasheed was… Read more
Moving From Condemnation to Action – The Case for Targeted Sanctions Against Human Rights Abusers in the Maldives
From Condemnation to Action – the Case for Targeted Sanctions Against Human Rights Abusers in the Maldives
Maldivian Ambassador-Designate to Sri Lanka Threatens to Detain and Deport President Nasheed
Washington DC: International legal counsel representing former Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed are very concerned about a threat made by the Maldivian ambassador-designate to Colombo to detain their client in Sri Lanka and forcibly return him to the Maldives. The ambassador-designate, Mohamed Hussain Shareef, popularly known as ‘Mundhu’, made the threat during a news show aired on… Read more
President Nasheed Calls for Robust Engagement from the International Community to Restore Democracy in the Maldives
Maldives first democratically elected President and the leader of the opposition, Mohamed Nasheed, expresses deep concerns over lack of concerted and meaningful effort by the international community to prevent serious political conflict in the Maldives following a complete reversal to authoritarianism under President Abdulla Yameen. Following the 2013 presidential elections, that was repeatedly delayed, cancelled… Read more
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Unofficial Translation of the Guardian Declaration Presented to President Nasheed by the Maldives Correctional Service
January 18 2016 On 17 January at approximately 5:30pm, President Nasheed was given two written declarations by the Maldives Correctional Service. President Nasheed, in the presence of 4 of his lawyers and 3 members of the Maldives Correctional Service, signed the first declaration agreeing to return upon completion of his medical treatment and to keep… Read more
President Nasheed’s Family Refutes Correctional Services’ Statement
President Nasheed’s family has refuted statements by the Maldives Correctional Service claiming his departure to the United Kingdom for medical treatment has been delayed as a result of his family’s denial to sign certain legal documents. President Nasheed’s family would like to clarify that no member of the family has been approached by the MCS,… Read more
The Office of President Nasheed Condemns the Yameen Government’s Vindictive Restrictions on President Nasheed’s Visitation Rights
The Maldives Correctional Service (MCS) has today denied President Nasheed’s parents and siblings permission to see him during weekly family visits. The Office of President Nasheed condemns in the strongest terms this arbitrary and politically motivated decision and calls upon the Government to cease their vindictive intimidation of President Nasheed. This change in visiting rights… Read more
Prime Minister Cameron calls for President Nasheed’s Release
Prime Minister David Cameron has called for the release of President Nasheed and all other political prisoners in the Maldives. In a tweet from the Prime Minister’s official Number 10 Downing Street account, David Cameron said: “Good to meet with wife of former #Maldives President. There needs to be political dialogue, release of Nasheed and… Read more
President Nasheed Transferred to House Arrest
President Mohamed Nasheed has been transferred to house arrest today, Sunday June 21. At approximately 4pm, President Nasheed was transferred to his home in Male’. According to Government officials, President Nasheed has been transferred home for medical purposes. ENDS
Yaameen Government Restricts President Nasheed’s Visitation Rights
The Government has today restricted President Nasheed’s visitation rights to only spouses, parents and children. Over the last 3 and half months of detention, President Nasheed had been allowed visits from his siblings and members of his extended family. Today’s arbitrary change was announced suddenly and does not seem to be a reflection of any… Read more
Arbitrary Changes to President Nasheed’s Prison Arrangements Cause Concern
The Maldives regime of Abdulla Yameen has arbitrarily changed President Nasheed’s prison arrangements, raising concerns over the former president’s welfare and safety. On Tuesday, 21 April, President Nasheed was suddenly moved from Dhoonidhoo detention centre to Asseyri Jail in Himmafushi island. President Nasheed is being roomed with three other individuals. Former Minister of Defence Mohamed… Read more