Nasheed’s Lawyers Denied Adequate Time: Say Impossible to Provide Constitutional Right to Counsel
President Nasheed’s legal team excused themselves from court on Sunday, stating that it was impossible to provide their client with proper legal counsel because they were not provided with important documentary evidence on time. In Sunday evening’s hearing, President Nasheed’s legal team were supposed to evaluate prosecution evidence that had been given in audio and… Read more
President Nasheed Denied Right to Appeal; Next Hearing Monday Evening
President Nasheed is being denied his constitutionally-guaranteed right to an appeal, in the latest legal twist in his surprise trial for ‘terrorism’. Since the start of the trial, President Nasheed’s legal team has tried, in vain, to appeal the Criminal Court’s decision to keep him in jail until the end of his trial. The legal… Read more
President Nasheed Prevented from Exercising Right to Lawyer; Trial Observers, Diplomats, Journalists Denied Entry to Court in Latest Hearing
President Mohamed Nasheed was prevented from exercising his right to a lawyer and to seek legal consultation, as stated in Article 53 of the Constitution, during the second hearing in his surprise trial for ‘terrorism’, held on Thursday evening at the Criminal Court in Male’, Maldives. The former President was kept in the witness stand,… Read more
ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދަށް އެމްއެންޑީއެފްގެ ހިމާޔަތާއި ރައްކާތެރިކަން ދިނުމަށް ކަނޑައަޅުއްވައިދެއްވުމަށް އެދެފި
ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާކަން ކޮށްފައިވާ މީހަކަށް ދޭންޖެހޭ ރައްކާތެރިކަމާ ޢިނާޔަތްތަކާބެހޭ ޤާނޫނުގެ 5 ވަނަ މާއްދާގެ ދަށުން ރައީސުލްޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާކަން ކޮށްފައިވާ މީހަކަށް އެކަށީގެންވާ ރަނގަޅު ފެންވަރަކަށް ޙިމާޔަތާ ރައްކާތެރިކަން މޯލްޑިވްސް ނެޝަނަލް ޑިފެންސް ފޯސްއިން ދޭންޖެހޭނެކަމަށް ކަނޑައަޅުއްވައިދެއްވުމަށް އެދި މިއަދު މެންދުރުފަހު ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ސިވިލް ކޯޓަށް ހުށަހަޅުއްވައިފިއެވެ. ރައީސް ނަޝީދުގެ މައްޗަށް ޓެރަރިޒަމްގެ ދަޢުވާކޮށް، ޕްރޮސެކިއުޓާރ ޖެނެރެލްގެ އޮފީހުން ކްރިމިނަލް ކޯޓަށް ހުށަހަޅުއްވާފައިވާ މައްސަލައާ... އިތުރަށް ވިދާޅުވޭ
The Prosecutor General and Two Judges Presiding Over the Case Have Given Witness Statements
The Prosecutor General of Maldives Muhthaz Muhsin, and Judge Abdulla Didi and Judge Abdul Bari Yusuf of the three member panel of the Criminal Court assigned to the state’s terrorism case against President Mohamed Nasheed, are found to have given witness statements in President Nasheed’s court case. The court documents submitted by the state reveal… Read more
Falsehoods Stated by Maldives’ Foreign Minister
The Office of President Nasheed notes with regret the blatant falsehoods stated today, Tuesday 24 February, by Minister for Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon. The Foreign Minister, in a statement released on Tuesday, said that President Nasheed was given access to legal counsel as per normal legal procedure. This is untrue. President Nasheed was taken to… Read more
President Nasheed’s Legal Team Requests His Transfer to House Arrest
President Nasheed’s Legal Team Requests His Transfer to House Arrest Citing Fears Over his Safety and Security While Under Police Custody. President Nasheed’s legal team have requested the Minister of Home Affairs to transfer President Nasheed to house arrest until the conclusion of his trial. In a letter to Minister of Home Affairs, Mr. Umar… Read more
ރައީސް ނަޝީދުގެ މައްސަލަ ބައްލަވާ 2 ފަނޑިޔާރުން އެމައްސަލަ ބެއްލެވުމުން ތަނާޒުލުވެ ވަޑައިގަތުމަށް އެދިވަޑައިގެންފި
ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ މައްޗަށް ކްރިމިނަލް ކޯޓުގައި ޕްރޮސިކިޔުޓަރ ޖެނެރަލް ހުށަހަޅުއްވާފައިވާ ޓެރަރިޒަމްގެ ދައުވާގެ މައްސަލަ ބައްލަވަމުން ގެންދަވާ ކްރިމިނަލް ކޯޓުގެ 3 ފަނޑިޔާރުންގެ ތެރެއިން އަލްއުސްތާޛް އަބްދުﷲ ދީދީ އާއި އަލްއުސްތާޛް ޢަބްދުލްބާރީ ޔޫސުފް އަކީ ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ ފަރާތްޕުޅުން ހުށަހަޅަން ނިންމާފައިވާ ހެކިންގެ ތެރެއިން 2 ހެކިން ކަމުގައިވާތީ އެމައްސަލަ ބެއްލެވުމުން އެ 2 ފަނޑިޔާރުން ތަނާޒުލުވެ... އިތުރަށް ވިދާޅުވޭ
President Nasheed Hurt by Police While Taken to Court; To Be Jailed Till End of Trial
President Nasheed was manhandled and hurt by members of the Maldives Police Force today, as they forcibly dragged him into the Criminal Court for the first hearing of his surprise trial for ‘terrorism’. Photos and videos, along with eyewitness testimony show police officers pushing President Nasheed to the ground as he paused to talk to… Read more
President Nasheed Denied Legal Representation As Hearing Commences in Male’
President Nasheed’s legal team has been barred from representing him during his hearing at the Criminal Court, due to start at 4pm local time today. President Nasheed’s legal team, which consists of five senior Maldivian lawyers, have been denied the right of audience at the Criminal Court. The Court’s action means that President Nasheed will… Read more
President Mohamed Nasheed Arrested and Re-prosecuted Under Terrorism Charges
President Mohamed Nasheed was arrested by the Maldives Police Service on 22nd February 2015 at approximately 2.30 pm at his private home. The arrest warrant issued by the Maldives Criminal Court was signed by Judge Abdul Bari Yoosuf on 22nd February at 12:30 pm. The arrest warrant stated, “reason for arrest: above mentioned person (Mohamed… Read more
Statement by President Nasheed’s Legal Team
President Mohamed Nasheed’s legal team has called upon the Prosecutor General not to re-prosecute President Nasheed after Prosecutor General withdrew the criminal charges levied against him. In a letter sent to the Prosecutor General on February 18, 2015, by President Nahseed’s legal team it was noted that in consideration of the evidence and witnesses submitted… Read more