Statement by President Nasheed’s Legal Team
The Maldives High Court today dismissed an appeal filed by President Mohamed Nasheed in which he contested the legality of the process by which the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) appointed judges to the Hulhumale Magistrate Court tasked with the trial over the detention of Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed. In doing so, the High… Read more
ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ ޤާނޫނީ ވަކީލުންގެ ނޫސް ބަޔާން
ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ މައްޗަށް ދައުލަތުން އުފުލާފައިވާ ޖިނާޢީ ދައުވާ ކުރިއަށް ނުގެންދެވުމަށް ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީގެ ލީޑަރު އޮނަރަބްލް ޤާސިމް އިބްރާހީމް ގޮވާލައްވައި، އެމައްސަލައިގައި ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ މައްޗަށް ޝަރީޢަތްކުރާނެ ޖާގަ ނެތް ކަމަށް ދެކެވަޑައިގަންނަވާ ކަމަށާއި އަދި އެ ދަޢުވާ ޕްރޮސެކިޔުޓަރ ޖެނެރަލް އަނބުރާ ގެންދެވުމަށް އިލްތިމާސް ދަންނަވާފައިވާތީ އެކަމަށް މަރުހަބާ ދަންނަވަމެވެ. މިނިވަން ކަމާއެކު ފިކުރުކުރުމާއި، އިސްލާމް... އިތުރަށް ވިދާޅުވޭ
ހައިކޯޓުގެ ޝަރީޢަތް ދޮޅުމަސްދުވަހުގެ މުއްދަކަށްފަހު ފެއްޓެވުމަށް އެދިވަޑައިގެންފި
ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދު ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ހައިކޯޓަށް ހުށަހެޅުއްވި، ހުޅުމާލޭ މެޖިސްޓްރޭޓް ކޯޓުގައި ކުރިއަށްދާ ރައީސް މުޙައްމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ ޝަރީޢަތް ހިންގުމަށް ޖުޑީޝަލް ސަރވިސް ކޮމިޝަނުން އެކުލަވާލާފައިވާ ފަނޑިޔާރުންގެ ބެންޗް އެކުލަވާލާފައިވަނީ ޤާނޫނާ ޚިލާފަށްކަމަށް ކަނޑައަޅައި ދިނުމުގެ މައްސަލައިގެ ޝަރީޢަތާ ގުޅިގެން ރައީސް ނަޝީދުގެ ޤާނޫނީ ވަކީލުން މުހިއްމު ދިރާސާތަކެއް ކުރައްވުމަށް ބޭނުންފުޅުވާތީ، ½1 މަސް ދުވަހުގެ މުއްދަތަކަށްފަހު ޝަރީޢަތުގެ އަޑުއެހުންތައް ފެއްޓެވުމަށް... އިތުރަށް ވިދާޅުވޭ
ހުޅުމާލެ ކޯޓުގެ ފަނޑިޔާރުންގެ ބެންޗުގެ މައްސަލައިގައި ހައިކޯޓުގައި ކުރިއަށްދާ ޝަރީޢަތް އަވަހަށް ނިންމަވައިދެއްވުމަށް އެދިވަޑައިގެންފި
ރައީސް މުޙަންމަދު ނަޝީދުގެ މައްޗަށް ހުޅުމާލޭ މެޖިސްޓްރޭޓް ކޯޓުގައި ހިންގަމުން ގެންދާ ޝަރީޢަތުގެ ޤަޟިއްޔާ ބެއްލެވުމަށް، ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ޖުޑީޝަލް ސަރވިސް ކޮމިޝަނުން ކަނޑައަޅުއްވާފައިވާ ފަނޑިޔާރުންގެ ބެންޗް އެކުލަވާލާފައިވަނީ، ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާގެ ޤާނޫނުއަސާސީއާއި، ކޯޓުތަކާ ބެހޭ ޤާނޫނާއި، ފަނޑިޔާރުންނާ ބެހޭ ޤާނޫނާއި، ޖުޑީޝަލް ސަރވިސަސް ކޮމިޝަންގެ ޤާނޫނާއި، މިނިވަން ދިމިޤްރާޠީ މުޖްތަމަޢުތަކުގައި ޢަމަލު ކުރަމުން އަންނަ އުޞޫލުތަކާ ކަނޑައެޅިގެން ޚިލާފަށް ކަމަށްވާތީ، އެބެންޗަކީ... އިތުރަށް ވިދާޅުވޭ
President Nasheed Receives Clearance for Candidacy
President Mohamed Nasheed has received clearance from the courts and other state institutions to submit his candidature to the Elections Commission as the Maldivian Democratic Party’s presidential candidate for the upcoming election on September 7. Speaking at a press conference at the Mookai Hotel in Male’ today, President Nasheed thanked MDP members and reformists for… Read more
Statement on the Cancellation of the High Court Hearing on the Legitimacy of the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court Bench
President Nasheed returned to Male’ this afternoon from an on going campaign visit to Raa atoll, to attend a hearing at the High Court, which was unexpectedly cancelled, three hours prior to the hearing. Today’s hearing was on the case filed by President Nasheed’s legal team contesting the legitimacy of the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court bench… Read more
Statement on the Judges Panel Appeal Hearing at the High Court
The Maldives High Court adjourns the court appeal hearing held on Thursday after assuring that reasonable time will be provided for President Nasheed’s legal team to examine the minutes of the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) meetings which were submitted to the High Court today. At the hearing today, the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) stated that… Read more
President Nasheed’s Office Welcomes Report by the The United Kingdom’s Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC)
The United Kingdom’s Bar Human Rights Committee (BHRC) has expressed “serious concern” over the appointment of judges by the Judicial Services Commission (JSC) in President Nasheed’s ongoing trial. The BHRC has conducted several independent trial observations of proceedings in the politically motivated trial against President Nasheed. The report by BHRC, provides a detailed overview of… Read more
President Nasheed Condemns Police Harassment Against His Lawyer and her Spouse
President Nasheed expresses grave concerns and condemns Police intimidation towards Ms. Hisaan Hussain, a member of his legal team and her Spouse. Hisaan Hussain, the leading Defense Counsel in President Nasheed’s case pending in Hulhumale Magistrate Court was in Hithadhoo, Addu City at a family event with her husband when the Police conducted a search… Read more
President Nasheed’s Legal Team to File Appeal at High Court Regarding HMC’s Refusal to Grant Trial Delay till After Presidential Elections
President Nasheed’s legal team will file an appeal at the High Court today, regarding the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court’s decision to refuse President Nasheed’s request to delay his trial until after the Presidential elections in September. On Wednesday, 6 March, President Nasheed appeared at Hulhumale Magistrate Court under Police custody. President Nasheed’s legal team requested that… Read more
High Court Legitimises Injustice
The Maldives High Court today ruled that the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court is a legitimate court. In an unanimous decision, the High Court bench ruled against the appeal filed by President Nasheed and upheld the precedent set by the Supreme Court in December 2012. President Nasheed stated, ‘today’s judgement by the Maldives High Court clearly means… Read more
President Nasheed Appeals High Court to Prevent National Injustice
The third hearing of President Nasheed’s High Court appeal challenging the legitimacy of the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court was held today. President Nasheed’s legal team reiterated their initial basis for filing the appeal, restating the procedural issues of the case filed against President Nasheed at the Hulhumale’ Magistrate Court. In light of the Supreme Court ruling… Read more